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Microblading Precare Instructions:

​Please make sure you read the following instructions to assure the best results for your procedure.

  • It is very important to refrain from all alcohol, aspirin, or aspirin products, such as blood thinners.

  • Please refrain from Ibuprofen and Aleve for ​24 hours prior​ to your appointment.

  • The only product for aches and pain that will not make you bleed is Tylenol. Also refrain from Vitamin E and fish oil capsules, Retin A topical for ​7 days prior​ to your application.

  • ALL of these make you bleed excessively. Excessive bleeding during the procedure will negatively affect the longevity of your semi-permanent makeup application. In some cases, the application will need to be prematurely stopped.

Furthermore, please avoid

  • tanning 3 days before the treatment.

  • No waxing 3 days before treatment.

  • No chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser, Botox or any other intense treatment 2 weeks before the Microblading procedure.

Please avoid energy drinks & coffee for up to ​24 hours prior​ to your appointment. Not having caffeine in your system will help you to relax much more easily, as well as help to relax the facial muscles in the areas we will be working on.

Post Procedural Care for Eyebrows Instructions:

DAY 1:​ Please wash hands with antibacterial soap before you wash your eyebrows. Then wash your eyebrows ​EVERY HOUR​ very well with a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water! Pat dry with a tissue than apply a very thin layer of the Skin Candy.

DAY 2-7:​ Keep eyebrows lightly glossed with the Skin Candy for three to four times a day for the next ​7 days. ​Do not over use ointment. It should last you for 7 days, only apply very thin layer. Do not suffocate your eyebrows.

  1. Do not use any Retin A, Glycolic Acids, Peroxide, Neosporin while healing.

  2. Do not scrub or pick your eyebrows.

  3. Do not expose the area to the sun or tanning beds! Must use hat if in the sun.

  4. Avoid any facials, face or body massage, eyelash extensions, brow waxing, swimming,

    whirlpools or sauna for 7 days.

  5. Do not exercise the first 3-5 days. No heavy sweating for 7 days, no Hot Yoga!

  6. No make-up on the eyebrows!

  7. Do not tint eyebrows for the next 10 days.



  1. Slight swelling, thickness, and/or redness for one or two days following the procedure.

  2. It is normal to lose approximately 1/3 of the color during the healing process.

  3. After the initial procedure, the color will be a shade too dark; in six days it will appear to be light after 10 days the color will show more and will have the final color.

  4. It will appear softer when completely healed because the color will come from dermal

    layer of the skin to the epidermal layer of the skin.

  5. Please be patient. Healing takes up to 30 days. In your next appointment more hairs

    can be added and make them perfect.

The brows are approximately 20 to 25% darker and bolder in the width than they will be when healed. Your skin is red under the pigment which causes the color of the pigment to appear darker. There is some swelling, although difficult to actually see due to the thickness of the skin in the eyebrow area. This will subside. Exfoliation, which begins in a few days, will cause the excess pigment surrounding the eyebrow procedure to flake away and a narrower appearance of your eyebrows. Don’t be concerned that your eyebrows initially appear darker and heavier in size then you desire. This is all part of the process.

Pre-procedure Instructions for Lash Enhancement Liner:
When scheduling an appointment date for a permanent makeup procedure, keep in mind the healing time of the procedure. You will need a few days afterward without social plans or strenuous activity (swelling will occur.) Please do not wear your good clothes for the procedure because pigment might splatter (black attire preferred). Please wear something comfortable. 


* Please avoid alcohol, caffeine, or any blood thinners 24-hours before procedure, it may cause excessive bleeding which will result in poor color retention.
* Do not wear contact lens during the procedure or for 24-hrs after.

* No Eyelash Extension (Must be removed minimum of 5-days prior to procedure

* Bring sunglasses to wear home. Eyes may be light sensitive.
* Do not dye or perm lashes for 2 days prior.
* Do not use eyelash curler the day of the procedure.
* Do not use Lash Growth Serum for 4-weeks before or after your procedure
* If you have had any type of eye surgery, consult with the physician about how long you should wait before having a permanent eyeliner procedure.

*Patients on prescription medications should check with their doctor regarding permanent makeup procedures, especially those on heart medications or blood thinners. Some medications and herbs can increase swelling and bleeding. Never discontinue a medication your doctor has recommended for you without a doctor's consent. Consult with your doctor to see if you can go off these medications for 24-hours prior to the procedure. If not, then permanent makeup is not recommended. 

EYELINER- Typical Effects
Day 1: Swollen like you’ve been crying, with a heavier eye makeup look.
Day 2: Swollen, usually for only a few hours after waking up, with the heavier eye makeup look continuing.
Day 3: Swelling decreases with a tight feeling. The pigments begin to lift away from the skin.
Day 4: There is a “pinching” feeling. Some itching is normal as the skin begins to flake. DO NOT PICK AT IT.
Day 5: Blinking movements of the eye usually removes all pigment by this day. Color is somewhat grayish and will take a few more days to clarify to full color.

Plan a shopping trip ahead of time for items you will need: Eye wash, ice-pack, and Q-tips. 

Post Care Eye Enhancement Liner 

Day 1-3 Expect light to moderate swelling and for up to three days, but it will subside over that time. Two or three permanent makeup applications may be required to achieve the desired results. Immediately after the procedure, the liner will appear darker and bolder than when they are fully healed. This is due to oxidation of the pigment and the redness of the skin.

DAY 3-4 The color will become lighter as the dead skin flakes off and the skin heals over the pigment. During this time the color will seem to disappear as the skin is opaque during this healing time. After 2-weeks: The skin becomes translucent and the color will bloom. It is not uncommon to lose 30% to 50% of the color on the first application. 


Right after the procedure an ice pack may be used, 20 minutes at a time, during the first few hours after the procedure, to help in the transition while the numbing wears off. Protect your skin by using a paper towel wrapped around the ice pack. You must clean your eyelids with the After Care Pads provided to you, ever hour, for the first four hour after your procedure.  

Sleep on your back, with the head slightly elevated, as this will help reduce the swelling. Rinse your eyes with Eye Wash once an hour for the first day. This will remove any pigment that may have gotten into the eye during the procedure and will prevent scratching of the eye, so rinse well. 

During the next few days, use an ice pack in the morning to reduce puffiness for that day. Also, rinse with Eye Wash as needed to soothe the eyes. Starting on the third night you can use a very tiny amount of ointment on a Q-tip, only if they feel very dry and only apply at night. It would be best to wait for 10 days before putting makeup on close to the tattooed area. It could pull the scabs off prematurely. After 10 days, it is required that you use NEW mascara to avoid contamination of the wound. Sunglasses will aid in the longevity of your tattoo.

Cautions: DO NOT apply anything else to the tattooed area. Lashes may stick together during the healing process, they will separate after the skin is healed. DO NOT pick at the scabs but let them fall off naturally. 


Always wash your hands before touching the tattooed area.

Do Not use any Retin-A or Glycolic Acids in the area while healing.

Do Not use Peroxide or Neosporin.

Do Not scrub or pick treated areas.

Do Not expose area to the sun or tanning beds.

Avoid facials, swimming and hot tubs for least 3-4 weeks following the procedure.

Failure to follow post procedure instructions may result in loss or discoloration of pigment.

*Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the post procedural care.

Pre and Post Care Information: Welcome
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