Micoblading is for adults only, must be at least 18 years old.
Can not be pregnant or nursing.
Please wait at least 6 weeks after any Juvederm or other fillers.
Please wait at least 3 weeks after Botox procedure.
Microblading is not recommended for:
Patients undergoing chemotherapy. Doctor's note is required to perform the procedure for anyone undergoing chemotherapy.
Those who have skin conditions on or near eyebrows. This includes rashes, eczema, and severe acne on the brows.
For those who are prone to post-inflammatory hypo-pigmentation or keloids.
If you have a transmittable blood disease such as HIV or Hepatitis.
Those who are taking blood thinning medication.
Diabetics or those with very high blood pressure or mitral valve disorder.
Those who are taking any skin medication like Accutane or Steroids, Please wait 6 months after getting off any skin medication before scheduling your appointment.
Those with allergies to alcohol, tattoo pigments or numbing agents. Allergies to numbing cream includes: Lidocaine, Tracaine, Benzocaine, and Epinephrine.​
Those with a dark pre-existing eyebrow tattoo or permanent makeup. The tattoo or permanent makeup must be light enough for microblading hairstrokes to show. Please email or text a photo of your eyebrows with no makeup on, and Microblade Studio will reply within 24 hours.